If you want the best funny fish puns, fishing one-liners, and fish pun memes – then this post is for you! I hope these funny fish puns, fishing one-liners, and memes make your day!
Top 5 Fish Puns
- What’s the difference between a fish and a piano? You can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish!
- Have you ever seen a fish cry? – No, but I have seen a whale blubber.
- Did you hear about the fight at the restaurant last night? Four fish got battered!
- How do you keep a fish from smelling? Chop of its nose.
- Where do fish go to borrow money? To the prawn broker, or sometimes a loan shark.
So I take my reefing seriously most days – but sometimes you have to
Be sure to read to the end for some tips on how to write your very own fish puns.
Fish Puns and Memes
- What has big sharp teeth, a tail, scales, and a trunk? A
barracuda on vacation. - Why will the fish never take responsibility? Because it’s always salmon else’s fault.
- Why is it so easy to weigh a fish? Because they have their own scales.
- What type of instrument do fish love to play? The bass, but some play just the bass drum.
- Why are fish so smart? Because they live in schools!
- Why don’t monkfish have girlfriends? The practice seal-aba-sea.

- Why didn’t the peppermint shrimp share her toys? She was too shellfish.
- What fish goes up the river at 100mph? A motor pike!
- Why do some fish live at the bottom of the ocean? Because they dropped out of school.
- Which fish can perform operations? A sturgeon!
- Where does a killer whale go for braces? The ‘ORCA-
dontist ‘ - What does a fish wrap around its shoulders to keep warm? A shoal!
- What kind of whale can fly? A pilot whale!
- Why are they called sperm whales? – Because seamen discovered them.
- Why was the whale so sad? – Because she was a Blue whale.
- Why are fish so lucky? Because they seize every ‘
oppor -TUNA-ty.’ - Why do fish companies never succeed? They always have to scale back.
- Where do fish sleep? In a water bed!
- Why is it that fish never go to war? Because they are paci-fish-ts.
- What did the fish say when everyone left his party? ‘Tanks’ for coming over!
- Why do fish have troubled relationships? They are scared of intima-sea.
Just when you thought it was safe to continue reading…
- Why should you never fight an octopus? Because he’s too well-armed.
- What did the fish say when his relationship started to flounder? Halibut we chat about it?
- Why is a fisherman so stingy? Because his work made him sell-fish.
- What did the romantic fisherman want? A good looking gill-friend.
- Who do fish pray to? COD almighty, of course!

- How come you didn’t eat your sushi? Because it looked too fishy!
- If a fish got the lead role in a movie, what would he be called? A Starfish.
- Why did the starfish blush? Because she saw the boat’s bottom.
- Did you hear about the illiterate fisherman? He was lost at C.
- Where do fish store their money? In the river bank.
- Why don’t fish go into business together? They are always sole proprietors.
- Where do fish sleep? In a riverbed!
- What did the fish take to work? His favorite b-reef-case.
- What type of music is best to listen to while fishing? Something catchy!
- Why do fish always lose their court cases? Because they always look so gill-ty.
Good g-reef! Let’s take a small break from these cod awful fish puns because they are krill-ing me!
Here are a few fin-
- Things are going swimmingly.
- You’re like a fish out of water.
- There is plenty of fish in the sea.
- I’ve got bigger fish to fry.
- He’s just fishing for compliments.
- The critic gave a biting review.
- I got stewed to the gills at the bar last night.
- Between the devil and the deep blue sea
- This is a fine kettle of fish.
- Like a fish out of water
- I’d rather be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pond

- Things are going swimmingly.
- There is something fishy about that.
- A drop in the ocean
- Catch and release
- She broke my heart, and now I feel gutted.
- Don’t date him; he’s a bottom feeder.
- The mob sent him swimming with the fishes.
- Sink or swim, we are in this together.
- Tip the scales in our favor
- Carpe diem
- This list of fish puns is off the hook.
- By hook or by crook
- We are in deep water now.
- I ate so much I’m stuffed to the gills.
- The car ‘snails-man’ tried the old bait and switch.
- Don’t take the bait
- The concertgoers were smashed together like sardines.
- Reel something in
- He’s going to have to catch fire to win this race.
- The beautiful girl wanted to catch someone’s fancy.
- Catch your breath
- I can’t catch a break.
- Did I catch you at a bad time?
- Where do fish sleep? On the seabed!
- What’s the catch?
- It’s a catch-22
- Easy as shooting fish in a barrel
- Swimming against the stream
- He’s a cold fish
- Drink like a fish
- Not bad, but you cod do better…
- We should ‘dolphin-
itely ‘ scale back on the fish puns. - Any fin is possible, be strong and don’t trout yourself!
- Ahh, guys, you’re krill-ing me now!
- It seems a bit fishy to me.
- He really schooled you at Fortnight.
Feel free to borrow our fish pun memes!

- Why did the starfish get grounded? Because she was supposed to get A’s and B’s, but her grades were below sea level.
- What do whales like to chew? Blubber gum!
- What is a blue whale’s favorite James Bond Film? – License to Krill
- Where do really sick fish go? To see the sturgeon.
- Why didn’t the man eat his sushi? Because it looked too fishy.
- How do ocean creatures keep up to date? They surf the web for the current news.
- Why do fish swim in schools? Because they can’t walk.

- Why did the shopkeeper throw the clams out? They were past their ‘
shell-by ‘ date. - Why did the woman make tons of fish-eye soup? Because it will ‘sea’ her through the week.
- How do you tuna fish? Adjust their scales, of course!
- How does a group of whales make a decision? Flipper coin!
- Why did your Dad quit his job as a fisherman? Because his net income wasn’t enough.
- Do you know why DJ’s aren’t allowed to work at fish markets? Because they’re always dropping the bass.
- What happens when you mix a fish and a banker? A: You get a loan shark.

- Where do orcas catch the train? At the whale-weigh station!
- What is the whale’s favorite story? The Humpback of Notre Dame
- What does the fish say when she hit a concrete wall? Oh, dam!
- What was the Tsar of Russia’s favorite fish? Tsardines!
- What is an orca’s favorite TV show? Whale of fortune with Vana Whitefish and Pat Seajack!
- Why are fish schools important? They promote ‘litera-sea.’
- How do you make an octopus laugh? Give it ‘ten-tickles.’

Fish one-liners
- If I were Captain of this ship, I’d make him walk the plank-ton for that!
- At fish school, the math teacher demands ‘
accura -sea!’ - Don’t trust unlicensed fish puns! Make sure they are ‘o-fish-
ial. ‘ - We, the jury, find you gill-ty of too many fish puns!
- Have you thought of a good pun yet, or do you need more time to mullet over?
- Cod, I talk with you about those fish-cious rumors going aground?
- Everything was going swimmingly until my Nemo-sis arrived.
- You better not get tanked, or you will feel my wrasse!
- Don’t worry about what they say in school; I think you are ‘fin-
tastic .’ - Fish puns aren’t for everyone, but these one-liners are Kraken me up!
- Mayor Mackerel loved to speak to his ‘
constituen -sea.’ - Cod you pass me the salt? (Cod that one was bad, ‘
‘ ‘eel-y eel-y ‘ bad.) - Well, kiss my bass, salmon had to say it.
- Dear
cod , I laughed so hard I nearly carped my pants! - Who will be the sole survivor of this mess?
- I really believe it to the bottom of my
sole . - Keep your friends close, but keep your anemones closer.

- I’m hooked!
- I won’t be
cod dead participating in this. - Actually, I’m just expecting someone else to
mussel in on this any minnow now. - The socialite was ‘so-fish-
ticated !’ - Stop carping on – you’re giving me a haddock.
- We all need to
clam down now – I’m a bit shell-shocked. - Can’t you guys do any Betta than this?
- We’re just hoping to avoid turtle disaster here!
- Oh, for
sake, not another fishy one-liner!cods - You don’t have to be a brain
sturgeon to come up with a fish pun. - Cod I borrow some money, all mine is in the riverbank?
- Everywhere I look, all I
sea are ‘bass-icaly’ cod awful puns! - We whale-y need to stop now – I can’t take it ‘a-Nemo!’
- Are you trying to gill-t me into stopping these fish puns?
- Sorry, my attempt at a joke was a pile of carp.
How to be a fish pun master:
Here is a list of words and phrases that can be swapped out of normal sentences to make your own fish puns, fishing one-liners, and memes.
- Anymore / Nemo: I just can’t see you a-
Nemo . - A**/ Bass: I got thrown from the seahorse and landed on my bass.
- Bae / Bay: I got your back, bay.
- B*tch / Beach: Don’t think you know me,
beach ! - Could / Cod: Cod you help me, please?
- Coy / Koi: Don’t act koi, I know you find me ‘fin-
tastic !’ - Crazy / Cra-sea: I’m Cra-sea for thinking you love me!
- Cuddle / Cuttle: Let’s
cuttle and watch Netflix. - Deep: These one-liners are not very deep.
- Dive: These puns have taken a bit of a dive.

- Fan / Fin: Whale jokes are ‘fin-
tastic !’ - Feel / Eel: Eel-ing, nothing more than eel-ings.
- god / Cod: The fish are praying to
cod that this will end soon. - Words with ‘
gil ‘ sound / Gill: The judge knew he was gill-ty. - Had / Haddock: I’ve haddock enough of this nonsense.
- Hearing / Herring: You’re not
herring me; stop these awful jokes! - Hell of it / Halibut: I’m going to keep going, just for the halibut.
- Horse / Seahorse: I’ve been through the desert on a sea-horse with no name. It felt good to get out of the rain.
- Ill / Gill: That last one-liner made me
eel a littlegill; I might need a sturgeon. - Word starting with ‘In’ / Fin: I always get ‘fin-volved’ with the wrong crowd.
- Grief /Reef: Good g-reef, Charlie Brown!
- Gullible / Sea-gullible: You must be sea-gullible to believe that story.

- Man / Manatee: Its time we have a manatee to manatee talk.
- Meant / Manta: I never manta hurt you, bay.
- More / Moray: The moray I try to stop these fishy jokes, the moray it
sea-ms on porpoise. - Mull it / Mullet: Send me to my room so I can mullet over.
- My nose / Minnows: I’m not going to cut minnows off just to spite my face.
- Naughty / Nautical: She was grounded for acting so nautical.
- Not / Naut: I’m
naut going to stop these one-liners! - Nemesis / Nemo-sis: Learn these phrases and then maybe you can become my fish pun
Nemo -sis. - Passivist / Passi-fish-t: The fish got battered even though he was a ‘
passi -fish-t’ and didn’t want any trouble.
- Sad / Shad: It’s just
shad when you see someone with a broken heart. - Scale: Maybe we should scale back this list a bit.
- School: This one is obvious!
- Selfish / Shellfish: The teacher told the boy he was shellfish for not sharing his toys.
- See / Sea: Why don’t you try and sea
it my way. - Send / Sand: I have some puns for you! Sand them right over!
- Serve / Surf: The dinner is first to
come, first surfed. - Surgeon / Sturgeon: What do you do with a fish with appendicitis? Take him to the sturgeon!
- Someone / Salmon: You had better get busy creating fish puns before salmon beats you to it!
- Sooner / Schooner: Even I will get sick of these puns schooner or later.
- Soul / Sole: Fish puns are good for the sole!
- Specific / Pacific: I don’t understand. Can you be more pacific?
- Stand / Sand: Remember that jellyfish Sting? The one that sang, don’t sand so close to me?
- Surf: No swap required!

- Title / Tidal: It’s the finals, so the tidal is on the line!
- Thanks / Tanks: Tanks for all the funny memes!
- Thing / Fin: I’ve given my all; I have no fin left to give.
- Thin / Fin: Careful now, I know you are having a whale of a time, but you’re skating on fin ice.
- Tidy / Tide-y: The starfish couldn’t go out because mom said they need to tide-y up their sandbed.
- Total / Turtle: Turtle-y bro!
- Tried / Tide: The surfer tide and tide, but he couldn’t catch a break.
- Waive / Wave: If you see me at the beach, give me a wave!
- What are / Water: Water you doing dating that nautical boy?
- What are we / Watery: The old wave and his buddy wondered ‘watery going to do now?’ that we are washed up?
- Wish / Fish: When you fish upon a starfish…
Fishing One-Liners
- To fish, or not to fish, that is not a question!
- It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming.
- Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.
- There’s a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot.
- I live with fear every day…but some days, she lets me go fishing!
- All fishermen are liars except for you and me, and I’m not so sure about you.
- I fish, therefore I lie.
- Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.
- Fishing is easy. It’s the catching that gets tricky!
- Everyone has to believe in something. I believe I’ll go fishing!
- I’d rather be on the lake thinking about God than in church thinking about fishing.
- A fishing rod is a stick with a worm at one end and a fool at the other.
- The best way to a fisherman’s heart is through his fly.
- You can’t catch a fish unless you wet your line.
- Fisherman: a jerk on one end of the line waiting for a jerk on the other end of the line.
- If people concentrated on the essential things in life, there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.
- Watch your own bobber…
- Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught.
- Fishing dock: A surgeon on vacation.
- Good Boat, Good Bait, Good Beer, & Good Bye!
- An angler is a man who spends rainy days sitting on the muddy banks of rivers doing nothing because his wife won’t let him do it at home.
- Fishing is a waste of time. Catching is worth all the time you wasted fishing.
- Shut up and fish!
- What do you call a woman with a fish in her hair? Annette
- It is said that the art of fly tying lies not in the beauty of a fly but in the ability of a fly to fool a beauty.
- A tough day of fishing is still better than a good day at work.
- I got a new bass boat for my wife….hell-of-a a trade!
- Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
- Show off your rod, fish naked!
- She shops, therefore I fish.
- Fishing, with me, has always been an excuse to drink in the daytime.
Fish Pun Infographic

Fish Pun Video!
I hope you enjoyed all the fish puns, fishing one-liners, jokes, and memes! Be sure to check back for updates!